Courses for Curtin staff
At Curtin, it’s important for staff to have knowledge and respect for Indigenous heritage and ways of working. As part of Curtin’s Reconciliation Action Plan, the University has the Indigenous Cultural Capabilities Framework (ICCF), which takes a staged approach to promoting an understanding of Indigenous culture, knowledge and history.
Phase one
Ways of Working Cultural Awareness Program (WoW)
This experience is delivered by staff at the Centre for Aboriginal Studies. This training is designed to create a better understanding of Indigenous culture and identify aspects of cross-cultural communication to enhance relationships.
Contact – Phase One: Ways of Working
Anthony Kickett
Centre for Aboriginal Studies (CAS)
Tel: (08) 9266 9275
Noongar Language and Culture MOOC
This course is supported and delivered by staff at the Centre for Aboriginal Studies. You will learn Noongar language and culture through Curtin’s Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). This gives an opportunity to learn about the language of Noongar people of Western Australia in a self-paced manner, this course provides resources that complement the content that is delivered. Visit to see more details.
Contact – Phase One: Noongar Language and Culture MOOC
Brenda Larsen
Centre for Aboriginal Studies (CAS)
Tel: (08) 9266 9275
Curtin Wanju Mia
This experience is delivered by the Cultural Capability team, participants will gain knowledge of Curtin’s reconciliation journey and an introduction to Nyungar knowledge and practices from a Whadjuk perspective, session is hosted at the yarning circle.
Curtin Wanju Boorloo
This experience is delivered by the Cultural Capability team, participants will gain knowledge of Curtin’s reconciliation journey and the pre-and post-colonial history of Boorloo (Perth CBD) and Nyungar knowledge and practices from a Whadjuk perspective. Participants will be able to visit Curtin’s city buildings at 137 and 139 St Georges Terrace.
Acknowledgement of Country Writing Workshops
This experience is delivered by the Cultural Capability team, participants will be guided by Aboriginal educations to develop their own meaningful Acknowledgement and gain knowledge of Curtin’s reconciliation journey at Curtin.
Any other activity approved by the Cultural Capability team (This applies to all phases).
Phase Two
ICCF On-Country Immersion Experiences
The on-country immersion experiences are delivered by the Cultural Capability team in a full-day learning program. In this learning experience on country participants visit many Aboriginal significant historic sites and hear stories from Indigenous Australians. Participants learn many Indigenous ways of knowing and doing that is explored in practical ways, building on the competency of understanding, and interacting with Aboriginal people and societies. There are two location-based experiences (Pinjarra and Wadjemup) offered which costs related, it has a minimum of 16 participants.
Carrolup Story Workshop
This experience is delivered in partnership with the John Curtin Gallery and Cultural Capability team. On this experience participants will learn about the Stolen Generation and its impacts through the story of the Aboriginal child artists of Carrolup, held at the John Curtin Gallery on the Curtin Perth campus.
Wogga Warniny (The Blanket Exercise)
This experience is delivered by the Cultural Capability team, participants will gain an understanding of the early history between West Australian Aboriginal people and colonisers through this interactive, hands-on experience. This experience requires a minimum of 24 participants.
Contact – Phase One, Two & Three
Jayde Conway
Cultural Capability
Inclusion and Engagement
Tel: (08) 9266 4340 or 0468 549 475
Phase Three
Upon request to the Cultural Capability team, provided that 4 or more of the activities combined across Phases One and Two have been completed i.e. person has completed WOW, Curtin Wanju Mia, Curtin Wanju Boorloo and On-Country Immersion Experience.
Contact – Phase One, Two & Three
Jayde Conway
Cultural Capability
Inclusion and Engagement
Tel: (08) 9266 4340 or 0468 549 475